Dog mom love

This photo series is just the beginning. 

Dog mom culture has shaped the way I live, create, and work. I'm thankful to have found myself in this community, where we women choose to take care of our pets as if they were our children – and we’re totally unapologetic about it.

No one can fully explain our loving relationship with our fluffy babies, but we can feel it in so many ways.
I want to show you what we feel as dog moms.


"I bring my dog everywhere"

We're both the non-stop go, go, go type so we're always moving around. He is so vocal and always cries and whines because he's so happy when we get home. Porter loves to surprise lick the inside of people's mouths.

-Porter and Diana


"My dog's face is on everything I own"

Hef is my companion, emotional support and muse. My wall is filled with paintings of Hef. We silently judge together, we share looks, we are telepathic besties.

-Hef and Sheila


"My dog eats better than I do"

She does it all – she's a cuddler, she's independent, she loves playing in water. My favorite thing is that she brings us gifts at the door when we come home, we call them offerings. Nube humps my leg after eating a meal to say thank you.

-Nube and Anja


"There are treats in all of my pockets"

Tuffy is such a trouble maker, but he's just such a character I can't stay mad at him. There's been a few times when a toddler has left their stroller and he's snuck in because he didn't want to walk anymore.

-Tuffy and Tricia


"My parents call my dog their grandchild"

We have a big family and she is the center of it. We always make a cake for whoever's birthday it is and she will always want to take a picture with the person. Cocoa freaks out and always has to check her booty whenever we pretend she has fleas.

-Cocoa and Carla


"The center of my world"

If the world was Pepper's it would just be pure love. If I don't feel good, she always makes me feel better about myself. I smell Pepper's toes sometimes because they smell like Fritos.

-Pepper and Sarah


"My schedule is organized around my dog"

We love to go on random car rides, get a small order of fries to share and find the best spots to enjoy a good view. Cash gets so happy when we do any outdoor activities and reminds me to live my best life.

-Cash and Yoseli


"It's not easy but it's worth it"

We are each other's emotional support. She has helped me through so many emotional struggles and I always advocate for her space and understand her fears as she is a reactive dog. Kaleiah has given me the courage to do things I would never think I could do on my own (tent camping, road tripping)

-Kaleiah and Tia


"I don’t want kids, I want dogs"

I'm a big Lord of the Rings fan and always wanted to name my dog Frodo so when I saw his name at the shelter, I knew it was a sign. Legolas inspired me to start my own business, Azucar and Spices, to meet more dogs and bring more joy to pup parents.

-Legolas and Isabella


"My dog’s weekend plans are cooler than mine"

On Sundays, we water my plants together. He gets excited when I open the sliding door to get the watering can and follows me from plant to plant. I even got him a gardening hat so he could fit the part! Frijolito loves me for me, rarely judges me and inspires me to treat others with kindness!

-Frijolito and Monique


“Whatever my dog wants, he gets”

Mango loves sniffing my armpits and licking them. I thought it was weird at first, but now I let him do it because I love him.

-Mango and Maria



If you are a dog mom and would like to be part of this photo series please fill out this form.